Note that while COMSOL employees may participate in the discussion forum, COMSOL ® software users who are on-subscription should submit their questions via the Support Center for a more comprehensive response from the Technical Support team. A Donnan potential shift over the interface is calculated automatically from the concentrations of the charge-carrying ion on each side of the interface. 4.0a (706) 4.0 (404) 3.5a (950) Older Fewer. This condition is typically used in electrochemical cells containing both free electrolytes and ion-exchange membranes, for instance, in dialysis problems. For users of the Heat Transfer Module, COMSOL Multiphysics version 5.3 includes new functionality to model heat and moisture transport in air, a new solver for modeling heat transfer in the frequency domain, and heat sink geometry parts to more easily create certain geometries. The new Ion-Exchange Membrane boundary node specifies a boundary condition where the flux of ions is continuous, but where the electrolyte potential is discontinuous and is described by a Donnan equilibrium. A zone electrophoresis problem is set up for separation of a sample containing aniline and pyridine.Īpplication Library path for the Zone Electrophoresis tutorial: Chemical_Reaction_Engineering_Module/Electrokinetic_Effects/zone_electrophoresis Ion-Exchange Membrane Internal Boundary Condition in the Tertiary Current Distribution, Nernst-Planck Interface I am trying to simulate a situation where a differential current of 20 mA falls on a soft iron piece ( 0.4 x 0. Task: I am trying to see a differential magnetic flux between two current carrying PCB Cu Traces having currents in opposite directions. This tutorial serves as an introduction to the Electrophoretic Transport interface. I am modeling an infinite long PCB Cu Trace in Comsol 5.3 b student version.

Zone electrophoresis separating a mixed sample of two proteins into two well-resolved concentration peaks.